Love Yourself First

Upon finishing serving an LDS Mission, my mission president and his wife gave me advice on seeking my eternal companion. Their advice was to find someone who puts the Lord first, their spouse next and then their children. I have loved this advice and it has served me well in life. Not only with picking my spouse, but also becoming the spouse I wanted. As I have dived deep into healing, growth, and self-development, I have been able to find the wisdom to expand this advice and serve me better.

The first and greatest commandment is to love God with all your might, mind and strength. He should be number 1 in your life. We need to seek His will, understand His gospel, and cherish His gifts. The second greatest commandment is similar to the first, to love your neighbor as yourself.

Are you ready for a mind blowing download I had? I recently was introduced to a video where a lady talked about how the true name of Christ is the same sound as breathing. I will butcher it if I try to break it down and share what I learned. In short, she shares about how your breadth speaks God’s name. We are made in God’s image. As I have thought about it, I asked myself about how do I love myself but still put God first? I came to the acceptance that they are the same thing.

We are made in God’s image and his name courses through our body with every breath we take. So when Christ said to love him first, I truly believe that God wants us to love ourselves first because we are a part of Him.

To tie this revelation into the advice I was given, make sure that you prioritize yourself first. Look inside yourself and hear the name you breath, see the image engraved upon your countenance, embrace your creator, and love yourself first.

When you truly and fully love yourself first, you will have a greater capacity of loving others. You accept others because you have accepted yourself. When you are triggered, annoyed, or upset towards someone it is a reflection of something inside of you. Get curious about it, accept it, and honor it’s part in protecting and serving you. You are a Child of God, He lives in you and loves you for all that you are.